Case study

HELIOS Nephrite meets the high demands of the traditional sugar producer, Tereos TTD

More than 190 years of sugar production history

The joint-stock company Tereos TTD is the largest producer of sugar and alcohol in the Czech Republic. Its two sugar factories and four distilleries annually produce up to 370,000 tonnes of white crystal sugar and 1,400,000 hectolitres of alcohol, both potable and anhydrous.

The history of the company dates back to 1831, when Prince Karel Anselm Thurn-Taxis had the castle in Dobrovice rebuilt as a sugar factory. Sugar has been produced continuously in Dobrovice since then, which is a unique phenomenon in Europe. Since 1992, the company has been in French capital hands, and today’s Tereos Group builds on the best of the rich Czech sugar tradition.

The only basic raw material for production is sugar beet. It is grown by more than 550 growers on an area of almost 37,000 hectares. The average yield of 80 tonnes of sugar beet per hectare puts Czech growers on a par with the most advanced sugar-producing countries in Europe.

HELIOS Nephrite brings us new ways to not only use this product for the current agenda, but also to manage it with new tools for creating forms, performance tracking and managing the web portal. If we need a custom feature that is specific to our company, we have the option to reach out to Asseco Solutions’ network of partners or even set up this feature ourselves thanks to the openness of HELIOS Nephrite.
Jakub Hradiský PR & CSR Manager of TEREOS TTD

Jakub Hradiský, PR & CSR manager TEREOS TTD company in reference video describes how system HELIOS helps to biggest sugar producer in the Czech Republic.

Migration to HELIOS Nephrite in TEREOS TTD, a.s.

The smooth employment of the new product was almost surprising

HELIOS Nephrite has offered us the opportunity to take another step forward through innovations that we believe will make our operations more efficient.”
Jan Polách IT manager of TEREOS TTD, a.s. 

Tereos TTD was one of the first customers and users of HELIOS Nephrite. We therefore wanted to know how they evaluate the transition and implementation of the new ERP system.

What convinced you to switch to HELIOS Nephrite?

“Tereos TTD is part of an international group, there are high demands on us and if we want to become leaders we must be open to innovation in all areas of our business. HELIOS Nephrite has offered us the opportunity to take another step forward through innovations that we believe will make our operations more efficient,” says Jan Polách, IT Manager at Tereos TTD.

How do you assess the migration process?

“What I value most of all is the openness in communication. We had all the information we needed at the time. Asseco Solutions gave us clear steps to follow and helped us with the implementation so that we could be successful. The smooth employment of the new product was almost surprising,” says Jan Polách.

What do you appreciate most about it?

“We see great potential in this new product, as it may be used in new areas that we want to integrate into the environment. We expect improvements in user ergonomics and want to offer our suppliers and customers online information through Nephrite that was not normally available,” he adds.

Key aspects of the solution 

HELIOS was deployed in 2008

Centralisation of data from all factories

Paperless office protects the environment

Labelling of deliveries and warehouse condition breakdown

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