Case study

Joy grows in Sonnentor and everyone wants HELIOS iNuvio

Work that is interesting

„We are pioneers in the production of high-quality organic herbs, teas and spices. When we work we respect the environment and people. We try to inspire others and change the world for the better. We do business responsibly and bring health, well-being and joy to every home.”

This is the motto of a south Moravian company called SONNENTOR, which has been a pioneer in organic farming in the Czech Republic for almost thirty years and at the same time the leading producer of organic teas and spices.

The company produces bagged teas in the town of Čejkovice near Hodonín. From the very beginning its philosophy is based on sustainability, a high proportion of manual work and also on direct cooperation with organic growers and partners. The company has 160 employees and organizes a number of interesting events during the year designed for the general and professional public. Under the Herbal Paradise tourist project and as a part of a special excursion programme, it is also possible to see the actual production of organic teas.

A company of this size and potential needs to have all processes perfectly unified and 100% functional. Due to this reason it was decided to implement one software across the entire company to keep all data in one place, updated, and connected to other auxiliary solutions. HELIOS iNuvio gave us the answers to all procedural questions and at the same time helped us in many other areas that are crucial for proper functioning of the company.

21 implemented modules and functionalities

VMore than 30 corporate users

PCash register system at all branches

Implementation does not have to take years

„We decided to unify the number of the existing systems into one, while making sure that the unified system meets modern requirements on data processing, controlling, reporting, electronic circulation of documents and more."

Radim Hrnčiřík
Sonnentoru Economist


Of course, before purchasing the HELIOS system, they already had experience with the use of this type of software. However, they used a separate economic system from one supplier, payroll system from another supplier, and cash register system and production/warehousing system from yet another supplier. This, of course, became very demanding over time in terms of operational needs, work coordination and maintenance.

Despite the corona crisis

However, the implementation of the system did not follow standard tasks and requirements. The main reason was the need to connect data with the local production and storage system, which Sonnentor shares with its parent company in Austria.

"The first wave of COVID-19 has impacted the final phase of the implementation process so it had to be completed online. Nevertheless, everything went smoothly thanks to excellent consultants and programmers from Asseco Solutions."
Radim Hrnčiřík Sonnentor Economist

The implementation of accounting and payroll system was completed in March 2020, despite COVID complications. The reason for this deadline, which had to be met, was the beginning of the local fiscal year. The deployment of invoice electronic approval system in PCs and in mobile phones with the HELIOS Zoom application followed, including the deployment of the connector to Balíkobot (Packagebot). The last module - Cash sale has just been deployed.

And what does Radim Hrnčiřík consider to be the key contribution of HELIOS iNuvio?

„Thanks to HELIOS iNuvio, we get data from several existing systems under one roof, and thanks to financial analysis, controlling and reporting tools, we can work with data effectively. A great benefit is the electronic approval system for invoices via mobile application and the connector to Balíkobot, which has significantly improved releasing of goods from the warehouse. It should also be noted that our employees evaluate the HELIOS system very positively."

Get inspired by Sonnentor

HELIOS iNuvio can also help you in these areas.


A fundamental need of every business is to have accounting and financial management properly organized and solved. INuvio can solve this problem now and every day. Sonnentor employees can rely on fully functional invoicing, cash register, VAT recording, bookkeeping and many more tools. All this is available in the Business Intelligence manager overview, which is a native part of HELIOS iNuvio. This allows you to compile data based on your own preferences.

Cash register sale

Working with a cash register is the alpha and omega of any service business. People in Sonnentor are well aware of that. HELIOS iNuvio cash register allows you to work interactively with your accounting receipts. In addition to regular billing, printing and creation of receipts, you can use your own report settings, define various sales events and transfer data to MS office. Simply put you will not get lost with our cash register.


Correct navigation through your warehouse stocks and warehouse management is a standard feature in HELIOS iNuvio. Sonnentor deals with so many tea packages that without the proper system, the entire process would collapse quickly. Use a clear structure and utilize number of tweaks that will help you to save time and confidently navigate through the warehouse administration.


Communicate with carriers directly from iNuvia. And how does this connection work? We connect HELIOS iNuvio to our Packagebot integration solution, which will handle the communication with your carriers for you. Sonnentor can store your goods and prepare them immediately for shipping and transport. Everything is simple and done in one system.

more than 4 500 companies

rely on HELIOS iNuvio

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